Thursday, January 16, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"My picket signs are quivering with anticipation." Tim

Toni called me a tease today.

Bill saw something on "The Dragon's Den" that he knows Tim would be good at. I think we need to start that reality show with Tim being the star before the other guy starts filming, that way we can say we're the first.

I thought I heard Typhinee in the back room crying today but then I realized that she was just laughing her a$$ off. Apparently Jessica liked something naughty to her pinterest (for research reasons of course) and it was showing up in her FB feed.
The professor from "Gilligan's Island" died today and some dude from the "Partridge Family".

I almost forgot to mention Roger............Roger.......Roger.....Roger....Roger....Roger.....Roger. I have to include him or else he threatens to quit everyday.

*not to be construed as gossip

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