Monday, January 27, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Henry's still alive!

It appears that Joe Frowny Face is also in Vegas.

It looks like the gang went to Dick's. Now Bill's going to want to go to Hooter's.

"I'm also marrying my sister." Toni

One more day till "Downton Abbey" comes out!!!

Tim is hurt that Bill took Roxanne and not him to Surfaces.

Toni made me drink Chia seeds today after I drank a Morning Starfish that was his special drink mix today. Tequila and Grapefruit juice is a must have for any Monday morning.

Roger thought at first that he missed me last week while he was doing the road show but then he remembered that he didn't, jerk.

There's something obviously wrong with Roxanne's leg..

*not to be construed as Gossip

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