Thursday, November 21, 2013


 The Daily Chatter*

Roger claims he's not going to mock me for 6 weeks. I think now would be a good time to drug test him because he's talking crazy.

I really did it to myself last night, I watched a Travel Channel episode on Puerto Rico.

Crystal called and asked me a Quickbooks question today, it sounds like she's nervous about the year ending and wanted to know if she needed new software for the new year. I probably should have said yes because I'm sure I would have done her a favor.

 Charles Manson has a 25 year old girlfriend who thinks she was destined to marry him.

I'm not sure who raped who but Rick thought Toni was raping him today and I think he liked it so technically that's not rape.

Bill told Toni today that his mom has a flip phone, Bill should be ashamed.

Cody fell in love with Riley today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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