Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

"Yes honey." Rick to Toni

Toni thinks Rick does want to be raped by him. Toni said "just look at me, who wouldn't"?

Then after that Toni proceeded to show me a video of James Franco and Seth Rogan being romantic with each other as a spoof on Kayne's video.

Roger discovered that you can get out of work if you just go to the Emergency Room so he did that today for a nose bleed.

Bill has some theories as to why Roger has a bloody nose. His first is he thinks Roger said something very inappropriate to Dot and she decked him. Second thought was he went too far up with his index finger. Third thought was that Roger tried to store too many phone numbers in his head.

Bill and Toni think that Marty wants to kidnap me. Bill thinks I'll just end up in the back of his van. I sure hope not, I don't want to miss vacation.

Roxanne offered to write the Chatter next week but she doesn't think that Bill would give her all of the information.

Ryan ran into Zach yesterday and Zach was of course on his phone.

"I on the other hand am a bad, bad girl." Mary

Mary said that Bill had her locked in his office and he was trying to put a date rape drug in her tea.

Jessica told Cody that his face looked so pretty. 

Tim says that he'e easy.

Damon thinks he has a drinking problem and shouldn't come to our Christmas party. Who is Roxanne going to sell an executive suite to then?

"I can be a b*tch that way." Mary

Speaking of being a b*tch, Mary reprimanded Jessica the other day for misspelling profanity. 

Toni is having a Turkey-licious-day!

*not to be construed as Gossip

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