Thursday, November 7, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks he's going to miss our Company Christmas Party. Apparently he doesn't want to find his $50,000 bonus check underneath the tree at our party very badly. He ruined my whole invitation, jerk.

Bill keeps hearing someone's cell phone ringing in his head. I'm about to institutionalize him.

Bill said that Toni was behaving stranger than usual this morning. First he asked him if he wanted any dicks and then he mentioned that his (Toni's) mom says hi.

 "Mary has too busy of a life to deal with work." Bill

"You don't get the name Crazy Susan for no reason." according to Toni 

Toni thinks his fish, Henry is dead but it's not. I think he's just saying it so that he can win his own bet.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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