Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

"It's not gay if you don't make eye contact." Bill to Toni about making out with some superintendent who looks just like Toni this morning

Today Steve's saying he's not a designer but he goes back and forth so often.

Roxanne noticed that Jessica liked a FB page for A F in Europe but I noticed that they had cat pictures so she probably likes their FB page better than ours.

Roger's super excited, he got his shingles vaccine yesterday. I thought he was sick yesterday?

I think Roger and Tim gave me their cold. I'm not sure which one of them to hate right now.

"I just want what I want." Mary as she was being sickly sweet to her new BFF

"It makes me sound like a dick." Toni

Jessica and I determined today that Toni likes to use sh and variations in front of words he's trying to be deviously deceivious about. That's how Shmox for Roxanne was created. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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