Monday, November 18, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Matt finally got his name on IMDB for that movie "You Can't Win" that still hasn't been released.

Watch out guys, I had a dream last night that Jessica and I started riding motorcycles to work.

Toni was reminded over the weekend that he's not in college anymore and that he can't drink like he used to.

Toni spent Saturday night with a bunch of dudes who reminded him of Sailors.Where was Nikki at to break up this gay pride celebration?

Tim's going to Reno with his parents so he would like everyone to pray for him, except Roger of course (he doesn't want to be cursed).

Typhinee admits to having control issues.

Matt drank whipped Vodka on the way to the airport while in Vegas because he "had to get rid of it." Apparently Matt was too wasted to realize that you can take your booze home inside your checked luggage.

Jessica hates me right now because I'm going somewhere on my trip that she wants to go.

Roger finally sold his car to Rick. Leave it to Roger to take advantage of a horrible situation and profit from it.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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