Friday, November 15, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I told Ryan last night what Roger told me about Ryan's recent chest pains and that it was my fault and Ryan agreed with Roger.

Tim thinks he's leaving us most of next week to do something fun but apparently he must have started with that something fun today because he ditched us.

Mary and her daughter's are going wedding dress shopping tomorrow and Toni's hurt that he doesn't get to go. We all know how much he likes modelling dresses and how high heels are his fav.

"I could bust you into two without even working up a sweat." Roger to Toni

It's official in my mind, Nikki thinks that Toni is just one of her girlfriends, she called him one of her b*tches. Mary also takes great pride that her daughter has the same foul mouth that she does.

Matt's going to keep us guessing as to who he will be bringing to the Christmas Dinner....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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