Friday, November 1, 2013


The Daily Chatter*
Happy Birthday Mustache Matt!

Cody thinks that my pen is dysfunctional, that's not the only thing around here that is dysfunctional. I could name some names but I shouldn't....

Typhinee's going out for cocktails tonight but I know I sure the heck wasn't invited.

I'm mad at Mary for not bringing Riley to work in her costume yesterday. 

Here's another good costume that Toni should have done.

Toni should have done this, stupid Toni. A double wedding would have saved Mary time, money and  frustration.

Mary called some b*tch short over the phone, its probably a good thing that they don't know how short she is.

Toni is so Ghetto but he won't let me say why, even though it's hilarious.

Toni's the best even if he is Ghetto, he put air in my tire today.

Typhinee filled in for Tim while he was gone by talking on her cell while in the bathroom.

 Jessica is apparently a b*tch for helping set up a reunion with some friends and then bailing on Typhinee.

Mary doesn't want all of us thinking that she's an alcoholic but she had to leave suddenly when her friend texted her that she pulled into her favorite Dive Bar. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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