Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

"Da#% Tim, he's always on vacation." Josh

 Bill told me that Roxanne was thrilled to be #1 in the Daily Chatter yesterday. What's wrong with all of the rest of you?

I think my husband is going to stop loving me, I swear every little thing that he told me yesterday I absolutely forgot. I did warn him the day before that I'm already in vacation land and that my mind has gone on vacation before my body. All I can think of is swimming with turtles and seeing the green tailed monkey's in Barbados.

Some samples came in for Kim today so I set them at Tim's desk.

"She just has so many problems." Bill about Mary

Mary was afraid that Roger was going to pet me today because of my fur sweater but it's Tim who has the petting problem. Mary obviously just wanted to get Roger in trouble with Dot though.

"The whole thing seems kind of shady....Did you learn this from Roger?" Bill to Toni

A nude woman boarded a Chicago subway a few days ago and claimed to be the goddess of the train. Apparently that wasn't a good enough excuse because they took her away to be mentally evaluated.

"You're getting awfully bossy." Bill to Toni

"I'm becoming a monster." Toni   "I blame Roger." Bill

"If Nikki and Toni don't work out I blame Roger." Bill

Toni's mad because he lost his bet, his fish didn't die today. Why on earth did he bet on his fish dying? Bill thinks it's all Roger's fault....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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