Friday, November 8, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

 "That would be expected of a soon to be Mary son in law." Tim

Tim told me that Toni thinks he's an expert on purses.

A Honda Civic is Toni's reference to currency. He always says how many Honda Civic's something costs. 

"You're just bragging like crazy." Roger to Mary

Now Tesla's up to three cars that have caught on fire recently. 

Bill found himself reading this sign while driving down I-5 the other day when he should have been watching the road. 

Cody thinks he a social butterfly and starts wigging out around here when everyone leaves for the day.

Now Tim might come to our Christmas Dinner but Typhinee is bailing out on us. 

Toni's so thoughtful where as Roger just wants all of the credit. 

Toni's being very inappropriate today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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