Monday, November 11, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

18 Days and Counting!!!!

Now people are just assuming that Steve is an owner. What vibe has he been giving off lately?

Matt's in Vegas and he wants all of us to leave him alone. He's too good for us apparently.

At 10am this morning we had a parking lot full of white cars and vans this morning except for Toni's.

Toni's hating me today because he's sick, I think he needs to blame Roger and Tim just like I did. I forgot that Cody had been sick too so there's someone else he can blame.

"I have a sneaking hunch that Bill's not coming in today." Toni as he was so right

Matt called in at 4:25 pm today from Vegas sober, he must have run out of money already.  

Mary talked Tim out of getting a mullet dress today. I'm not sure why she would do a thing like that, I think Tim needs his red carpet moment too.

I swear Mary can be so insensitive, Jessica was having a hard day and Mary had no compassion for her. I guess that's why she has several male anatomy nicknames.

Roger said something about getting sick from a hooker.  Must have been when Dot was out of town...

*not to be construed as Gossip

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