Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roxanne is starting to find out that Bill's a killjoy. He didn't even tell her what her job was going to be at the Christmas party, she had to find out from me. 

Toni is thoroughly disgusted, he saw cockroaches at a restaurant in downtown Seattle this morning.

Bill blames himself for bringing Toni into this company and for allowing him to sit so close to Roger.

"Toni, you screwed me." Roger

Toni sure loves this ball jingling ad....

Rick told me he made an a$$ out of himself today, that's what he gets for listening to me:)

Roger had Typhinee in tears today and all over f*cking horses. 

"I always start off with underwear but then I lose them." Mary

Now that Matt has an IMDB page we really need to add a bio, trivia and some great photos. Steve or the City of Forks must have some great photos of Matt somewhere.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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