Friday, February 20, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

This video reminds me of Tim and Toni playing nerf at work but they aren't as cute and minus the snow. Ok it really doesn't remind me of them but it's cute anyways.

Thanks to Steve, Toni got into work today and started planning his nerf revenge on Tim.

Ferguson walked into a war zone today. I was surprised that he didn't have a heart attack.

"I wouldn't categorize you as a loser but I'll think about it." Roger to me

According to Howard Toni's new name is T-Dog. Roger was jealous that Toni got a nickname and he didn't so Bill gave him BoBo.

Chris Lackie came in today and told me to say hi to my better half.

"Roger, I can get anything past you because you won't read page 2." Bill

"My husband's just like John Wayne." Mary

I always thought it was Roger who needed his mouth washed out with soap around here but today it was  Bill probably because of Roxanne's bad influence.

"Is that a jar of urine?" Roger to Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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