Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

My husband may become a never nude, he had a tramatic experience last night and doesn't know if the crazy woman at our house saw him in the hall or not.

We were out at dinner last night with Ryan's son and his son's wife and the crazy woman wouldn't shut up about everything she liked in the restaurant (and this is very typical of her everywhere she goes). I wanted to blurt out "I love lamp" but I refrained.

As if we don't see Howard enough, now Ryan's bumping into him at places.

I think I'm going to pick out Bill and Roxanne's wedding present from Skymall they have some awesome ideas.

Bill keeps telling us all of these horrible phrases that he claims his dad has told him. I informed him that I have a long list of what he's said about his dad and that I will bring it up at the wedding. I'll make sure his whole family is around when I question him. To get out of this I'm pretty sure Bill's going to

"Why the he$$ do you still have that beard?" Mary to Steve

*not to be construed as Gossip

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