Thursday, February 5, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"Nobody likes my ideas." Mr. U'nnells

Jimmy Fallon did a "Saved By the Bell" remake for those of you who are younger than Roger and actually remember the show.

Jason says his baby will be here in two or three weeks. I know Bill's dying to know if it's black.

Tim freaked out on the J&J rep today when he mentioned that he could bring us in some more carpet books.

Ballard has the right idea, next month they are going to have a Bourbon and Bacon Festival.

Michael's leaving and I'm pretty sure it's Toni's fault for stealing his chair and his computer and for wearing his shorty shorts one too many times in front of him. 

Michael claims when you lust after someone you don't buy them coffee. That's not going to work for me, I need my coffee.

"We've got to find Tim a job." Bill as Tim was shooting everyone in the office with his Nerf gun

"I'm so ready for the Russians." Tim with both hands armed and loaded

"It radiates confidence." Toni about his horrible shoes in a picture "In a very sad and pathetic way." Mary

Toni's going to be Magnet Ball Man for Halloween and he's going to find everybody's keys with his crotch.

Bill and Roxanne are down to 100 days before their wedding. 

Just for Toni's sake to make him feel better about his shorts, here's some people at Wal-Mart trying to pull off his look. (I'm not sure if the last three pictures can be called shorts on those people.) The guy in the second picture was captured at Wal-Mart twice within a few days of his last visit.

*not to be construed as gossip

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