Friday, February 13, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I noticed that Toni went out to the parking lot to meet his mother instead of having her come in while Tim was here...

Today of all days, the old guy with the BMW convertible had his top up. He must have pneumonia or something.

Ryan and I were watching "30 Rock" last night and Ryan realized Liz Lemon was eating Potato flavored chips, sounds delicious.

Tim is so impatient when it comes to anything that he doesn't want to hear about.

This is what Mary's friend Kent thinks the fridge at her sisters weekend in Arizona will look like.

Tim hasn't told us yet that his son is getting married this summer and that he got engaged in October. It's a darn good thing Donna came in today.

"You sound like my grandma." Bill to Mary

Toni hasn't seen a Tom Selleck "Friends" episode yet and he thinks Tom Selleck is a dream boat. I was telling Toni that Tom Selleck just turned 70.

Toni told me that I couldn't take a photo of his Valentine's card that he's giving to Nikki. It's all about loving a man. I think Nikki is in for a rude awakening, I don't know how the poor girl doesn't know yet.

Here's the unretouched photo of Cindy Crawford that seems to be making headlines and it should make everyone feel better about their body. I really need to become a photoshop expert because I could instantly drop weight and tone my body. 

Roger was an extremely nice person today or at least I think he was but I'll probably hear otherwise.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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