Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Bill!

I gave Bill a few things to ponder today because I still want to win the bet at his wedding that he'll freak out and hide in the closet like Chandler Bing. 

Cody was surprised to hear that Bill is 42 today. I told him Bill's secret to not aging is not going outside.

 No worries about what the groundhog said yesterday...
Roger informed me that Toni left his car over at Bill's place this morning.

Toni said the threesome over at Bill's wasn't the worst he's ever had.

I think I  probably offended everyone in the office today with my food snobbery.

Apparently Marty is now guaranteeing his seams for a lifetime.

Bill finally asked who Blake was. The confetti I left on his desk was in Blake's name and I had to explain that Party City was out of Bill's name and it was the next name down the list.

Tim told Bill not to repeat or tell other people that he was going to have hot monkey loving sex for his birthday. Of course Bill had to repeat it, he never listens.

Bill said he's been watching the same porn as Roger.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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