The Daily Chatter*
"It's all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye." Toni about the Gay Pride Parade
I really thought since Rick didn't come in yesterday that he was on strike until we got rid of RFMS but no such luck, he came in today.
Mary left for Arizona today and it's only supposed to get up to 120 degrees this weekend and she's not happy about it.
Bill wants to start weighing Toni in and out everyday. I guess it's a father & son thing.
I made a gay reference towards Ryan last night and he told me that he's not Toni.
Bill wants it to be known that he was the office hero yesterday in his own mind, he brought out the cake from the fridge.
As if the main character of "Mad Men" doesn't already have enough sexual partners, he added another one and we're only on season 1.
Bill bought another trackball thing for his desk, why do they even still make those?
Bill pulled a Tim today.
Bill doesn't know if he's allowed back into the city of Forks because of the last time with Matt & Steve. He's going this weekend, so we'll see if they kick him out.
Kim, Tim same thing apparently to someone at Shaw.
I was amazed to hear that Matt's Ipad survived the whole skateboard incident because he landed on his backpack which was carrying his ipad.
"I bought a new blu ray player....because the other one was too complicated for Roxanne." Bill. Roxanne I'm not knocking you, I understand that Bill had a mess going on in the TV department and nobody should have to understand his crazy ideas.
Paula Deen is having a bad week; now Walmart, Target and Home Depot are dropping her products on top of her Food Network firing and Smithfield Foods who doesn't want to use her anymore.
"It's takes me four just to get started. Yeah I'm a lush." Rick
Toni wanted me to call and tell Mary that we had a small fire but we have it under control. That boy concerns me.
Steve wants to punch Matt in the ribs according to Toni.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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