Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

One week from today and I'll be an old married woman according to my mother. 

According to FB it appears that Serge and his wife stole a Lamborghini from a mall parking lot.

Matt claims he's tired and he didn't even drink last night. 

Toni has already offended the temp. I think it's creeping him out that Toni stares at his sexy poses all day long. 

Toni mentioned that BJ's are Roger's go to thing now.

I had a dream about Tim last night. We were playing softball and he was a terrible pitcher, that's about all I remember though. 

Steve likes it that someone's belly in his house is bigger than his right now. 

"How will I know, will it have pictures?"  Mary about RFMS

Apparently Tim doesn't read my emails because he thinks he doesn't know what they mean. Yet Tim knew how to put our temp to work today.

"I'm just the pretty face that sells the jobs." Mary

Matt thinks he's a sexy Jesus because of his hair. Whereas some think he's homeless. 

Tim received his electronic measuring tape birthday present from Donna early because he's such a whiner. 

*not to be construed as Gossip


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