Friday, June 7, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks today is the day he's going to start to fly. Great he came to work high today. 

Toni thinks the scar on my arm is from Tommy John surgery since I pitched when I was in softball.

Serge discovered Vegas for the first time last weekend. Apparently renting a Lamborgini for $600 is a good deal to him. He's also thinking about switching work vehicles because the Lamborgini got better gas mileage than his van. 

"She's the b*tch, she's going to fire us all." Bill about Mary

"I had to be nice in my response because she's the boss, the one who counts." Roger about Mary

"I'm not as good as I thought I was." Tim

"You're one of the reasonably good people who works here." Roger to Tim

"I'll go in there and f*ck everything up." Tim as he gave a job to Mary

Toni and Bill seemed to be having issues with Roger today.

"Your an a$$hole don't even try to tell me that your not." Mary to Roger

"I need to stir up shit every once in a while otherwise I don't get my name in the chatter." Roger

I may have to become an alcoholic on my trip in order to want to come back to RFMS. I know everyone's terrible attitude today was a direct result of RFMS.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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