Thursday, June 6, 2013


 The Daily Chatter

Happy Birthday Tim!
I heard Bill telling his computer this morning "I hate to break it to you honey." Is he finally telling his computer about Roxanne?

"That's just a girl thing." Bill trying to make himself feel better

"She's being arbitrary and capricious." Roger about Mary

Roger didn't even notice the crap hanging above Tim's desk until 11:30.

"I feel that I'm eight years old again." Roger  I think he was referring to working here.

Roger can live with being skinny as long as we don't tease him, he's awfully emotional.

Roger said he was going to give me the same book that his dad gave him when he was thirteen called "The stork didn't bring you" as a wedding gift for me, how considerate but he didn't bring it. 

"I have spent all f*cking day placing an order for Michael." Tim

Bill thinks he knows everything about RFMS and doesn't know why the rest of us are complaining. 

Bill also thinks I'm going to change my name and never come back because of this new system. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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