Thursday, June 20, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Vance is finally stressing out about his big day.

"Tim just parked in the wrong spot." Bill

"I fell out of love with my parking spot yesterday." Tim

I think Mary brought in Riley today just so that I would be happier. 

"Not everything is about you." Bill to Roger

"Since I met Roxanne you got bumped one on my favorites list." Bill to Roger    Bill was definitely  paying Roger back with that comment. 

Tim thinks he's taking the 5th of July off. 

Poor Toni thought our printer was a new fangled space machine contraption.

I heard so many great things today but I just can't talk about them, I hate when that happens. I will give one hint about one thing, Roger wants a certain somebody to marry his daughter just because he thinks he would be an awesome son in-law.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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