Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

"It's good to hear that marriage hasn't changed you." Bill

Speaking of which, I have some wedding pictures for those of you who care:)

Vance is next, his wedding is Sunday.

Roger has some very suspicious and gnarly looking bruises on his arms. 

Toni finally thanked me for his sound blocking earphones instead of complaining about them. 

Roger's favorite poet seems to be spewing it all over FB again. 

I know I've been hard to deal with lately but last night in my dream someone put my desk out in the warehouse.

Bill's pretty sure that Roxanne's first defense is to start swinging her arms, he thinks it's from her Karate background. He finally got hit in the head by her the other day.

Roger told me that from here on out Ryan will take me for granted. That was very sweet of Roger to tell me that. 

Mary told us (Tim and me) to quit making mistakes in the computer system today.

Toni came into my office to strip for me today. He made up some excuse about it being hot but it seemed kind of strange since he was singing "It's Raining Men". 

This is disgusting but apparently the rage in China to keep perves away, it's a pair of hairy leggings. 

I'm starting to think that all Carol's that are Mary's customers are crazy.

According to Mary, Randy isn't happy if he has a burger and no chips. Doesn't he know that's kind of a lot to ask for. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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