The Daily Chatter*
Dot thought that Roger was only coming into work today to get his name in the Chatter. I told Roger that I just figured he got a nose job yesterday and didn't want any of us to know about it but after seeing him today that doesn't appear to be the case.
Roger invited me to his SAP (Straight and Proud) Parade next weekend following this weekends Gay Pride Parade. Roger told me that he doesn't know if he should invite Toni because he doesn't want Toni to fake straight that weekend.
I tried the cat app last night and it definitely entertained them. One of my cats pawed at the screen and the other one stood on the screen looking down at the moving objects.
Vance told Rick that his honeymoon was over so Rick had to ask if the marriage was over too.
Tim said that his wife almost neutered him last night. Luckily for him he claims he can out run her.
I was so happy this morning, Roger actually agreed with me about something.
Toni was freaking ticked that Roger and Tim went to lunch without him today. I even told Toni that they had to meet a client and he was still livid. I'm sure he was just stressed out from having to be with Bill all morning.
"Toni, what woman's name did I say?" Bill That's never a good sign.
"Can I borrow you that I don't F*ck this up Again." Tim
Toni called me an angel today.
Roger was a little disturbed that I suggested that he should use sex on Bill to get something from him.
Watch out world, Tim's wife is going out of town tomorrow and he thinks he's going to abandon all of us to go and play while she's away.
*not to be construed as Gossip