Friday, August 23, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

The good news is that Tim and Donna were supposed to make it to Vancouver Island last night.

By the time Tim comes back Sarah's portion of the office will be filled with fluffy adorable animals and magical unicorns.

Faith and her sister are going to the Styx concert tonight. Hopefully she stays out of trouble and avoids all of the men with beautiful big brown eyes (since that's her thing).

I'm going to have to request that Tim shaves his beard before he comes back, Ashley and I didn't recognize him in his pictures with it.

There's something wrong with Ashley, today she believed my sarcasm and I thought it was pretty far out there so I may need therapy.

Bill was actually in a good mood today probably because he was talking John Wayne movies with Steve.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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