Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Bill and I came to the same sad conclusion today that Marty is way cooler than we are because he knows who Dre is.

Toni showed us the funniest wedding gift registry, it's horrible of me to be so judgmental but seriously who asks for a $300 hair dryer as a wedding gift and other odd and expensive personal items. I think I'm going to start checking random peoples gift registry lists now as an obsession.

Bill and I also welcomed Roxanne to our club today because she didn't know who Dre was in reference to either.

Sarah is a bad influence on all of us and her husband won't be thrilled with what she's trying to sign him up for.

Bill was concerned that the people in the annex were going to steal our air conditioning since the HVAC guy was here today working on it. I think Bill should be more concerned about Typh running around the warehouse naked because of the heat and her becoming way more popular than him.

I have a feeling that Steve's going to be ordering a lot of stamps for his passive aggressiveness.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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