Monday, August 12, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Michael told everyone about my thigh high boots that I thought were just a secret between him and me.

Sarah told me that I needed whips and chains in order to keep a man, I have so much to learn from her....

Mary already misses Riley, it's going to be a long week for her.

You know it has to be pretty messed up when Sarah claims that she's not going back to a business because they're too weird for her.

Michael's accusing me of poisoning people.

Don't expect any compliments out of Bill, he's too busy to be nice.

Toni wanted to know which bottle of liquor to buy for a client, I told Toni that I would sample both of the options but Bill told him to call Michael so that I wouldn't embarrass him anymore.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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