Thursday, August 22, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Michael tried telling me today that I take more vacation time than any three people here combined.

I started cracking up today listening to Faith, she called John and then called him by his nickname and then she identified herself. My question is how many people call him John John?

Steve says he's hung over, that's what he gets for hanging out with Matt S. at a concert. Doesn't he understand by now that Matt's body is conditioned to drink way too much. I know it's still hard to fathom since he's a skinny dude.

It's really an inconvenient weekend for Michael to be out of town since my husband will also be out of town this weekend.

Pat somehow survived his appointment with Showroom Bob today, we all have requested for our own sanity that Showroom Bob doesn't come here again because Sarah will lose it and then she'll want to hang more cat pictures in her office.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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