Friday, February 1, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Mary asked Toni where Larry was when Toni was on speakerphone with someone last night. Of course Toni replied and said Larry was in his lap. Now another male thinks that Toni has lots of weird male action going on at the office.

All I have to say is I don't want Typhinee sitting at my desk (like she was at Bud's desk) because she had some weird tongue thing going on yesterday and Toni witnessed it.

Bill decided not to tell me a story about an athlete because I'm a woman and he figured I wouldn't have a clue who this guy was anyways. I'm sure that he is correct but he's still a male chauvinist pig. 

I can tell that Steve's kids are going to be overachievers, his third child wants to go to college at Universal Studios and Steve doesn't see anything wrong with that.

Bill asked what the noise was out in our showroom today and it was a little kid. He told me that it's not cute unless it's your own.

I think Heather was making fun of my laugh today and right to my face which is horrible. Heather's a terrible person though, she starves her children and she even gloats about it on FB.

Roger said he's going to start telling customers that his 13 year absence from his current employer was due to a federal prison sentence for running meth labs so I'm assuming that he'll be back any day now begging for his old job.

This is what Bill sends for Dick pics. (It's Dick Van Dyke for all of you who have no idea who this is.)

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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