Monday, February 11, 2019


The Daily Chatter

"I haven't heard back from Ashley this morning she's probably stuck in a ditch, I'll post an indeed ad to replace her." Bill

I really need to send out a memo to the ladies in the office and Toni, that they shouldn't drool over the Australian UPS guy, its not very professional. I think even Ashley 2.0 had a crush on him too.

Everyone seems to be very jealous of Bill's new personalized stamp.

I walked into Steve's office the other day and realized he had the Seinfeld mug that I gave to Roger forever ago. I'm assuming that either Steve stole it from Roger or Roger left it behind because it would have been too painful for him to be constantly reminded of us.

All I have to say is that Dot better hurry back from Australia, Roger has already threatened to eat his dog and he mentioned that he's been watching Bass Pro fishing on television.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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