Thursday, February 7, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks that he could pass work place sensitivity training. He obviously has forgotten that he likes to say "screw the pooch" and calls everyone "honey".

Bryan from now on will be known as the real slim shady. Bill, you will need to change his work email to reflect this.

"What does Bill do in here? He has a shard of glass, a paper clip, a razor blade and nail clippers on his desk." Typhinee

Ashley's tired of being the center of all things awkward. She's sick and tired of everyone asking her who her daddy is just because John realized that he was old enough to be her daddy and Steve overheard only the end of the conversation and has harassed her ever since.

Autocorrect switched my text on my phone from somebody's name to Daycare so now my husband is going to be confused as to where to pick me up tonight.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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