Tuesday, February 19, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks that he offended Roger, I'm pretty sure Roger doesn't offend that easily and besides Roger wouldn't remember anyways.

It sounds like Bryan's making new friends in the sales field already. Has anyone told him yet that he needs to start picking up on the weird measures where Roger left off?

Roxanne now has the nickname "pinball" because she runs into everything.

I got the same email that Typh got a week ago about my work email being hacked and them holding my porn for ransom. I told Heather and Bryan that I have nothing to worry about because I share all of my porn with Bill.

Tim's on my list, he just told me that I forgot to do something twice now. I told him that I didn't forget, I just didn't want to do it.

"There's a long list of things that will make you reminisce about Matt S. One of them being when you go into your doctors office with an infection." Bill

The Whatever Board of the Day
*not to be construed as Gossip

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