Friday, February 8, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

It's apparent to me that Tim really doesn't like Bud, Travis or Gabe. He made them do a truckload delivery last night after they had already worked more than a full day.

Toni was showing me pictures today of how to elegantly set up a sadomasochist room. He always leaves me bewildered as to why he thinks I should like this sort of stuff.

Michael thought (wished) that I started calling him Babe.

"I'm a great creeper." Faith as I asked her to spy on someone outside.

Michael's going skiing next week for the first time in fifteen years. I really hope that he doesn't pull a Tim and get injured. There's nothing worse than having to help a whiny grown man who has his wife in tow just so that he can go to the bathroom.

Ashley was being overly nice to all of us today and she brought in food to share. I think it was a ploy so that we would all quit asking her who her daddy is.

Toni was telling me that all of his friends like to give him their old t-shirts from high school (because they still fit him).

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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