Monday, February 18, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Poor Ashley didn't get the awesome experience of hallucinating during her flu. Bryan and I were telling her some of our amazing experiences this morning. I mentioned that I had the flu once and had just watched "The Santa Clause" and thought that my cats were reindeer's. Bryan said he was watching Anthony Bourdain and thought that he was with him and told his wife he wanted to go home.

"My wife told me it was Monday." Bill when he came into work on Saturday to see me

Poor Tim just can't get his dates right in his automatic email reply, the first one I saw was that he wouldn't be back until Tuesday the 23rd and now I see Tuesday the 18th and today is the 18th.

"I thought I just pulled up a porno." Toni to Steve

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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