Wednesday, February 20, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim proves my point again with his humpday shirt, that he is not the most politically correct person at the office.

Don't ask Steve what four inches should look like, good grief.

Bill told me that things are getting too busy and that I can't take next week off. I'm beginning to think that he's right.

Tim begged me for his mug back today even though he hasn't signed his form yet.

I asked for a magic folder today because Sarah said they were getting one but Heather told me that I had enough magic in my life. I'm pretty sure she thinks that I take drugs.

Bill obviously wanted to get rid of me today and he told me to go on a smoke break so of course I do and come back then he informs me that I'm a trouble maker, I just can't please anyone around here anymore.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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