Wednesday, February 13, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley's been over working her phone sex line, I'm pretty sure that's why she's out today.

Bill thinks that Typhinee is hoarding food (he saw a hard egg McMuffin sitting on her desk) ever since her scary Walmart incident on Friday night where she only found organic Spaghettio's on the shelves.

Bill informed me that he can wear his wife's jeans (not sure why anyone would admit that). I've already asked him not to wear her skinny jeans to work, I only want to see Roxanne's butt in those.

"It's for my own sick pleasure." Typhinee

One of our subs hit a police car (of all things to hit) at the airport today.

Bill mentioned that the only barbed wire he wants in his office is a stripper by that name. He was thinking of ways to avoid having to talk to any of us. I'm pretty sure if he had strippers in his office that nobody would leave him alone all day. I also think that Marty wouldn't even remember that I existed if Bill had strippers here.

It still makes me giggle to see Toni wearing his snow outfit inside the office especially inside his toasty office.

The Whatever Board of the Day
*not to be construed as Gossip

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