Tuesday, August 1, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Now I can finally say that Ryan and I are going to Italy next month.

It's been a big day for Steve, he found his wallet and he also found our leaf blower in his garage.

"That's right they don't have electricity or cell phones in Montana." Roger    I learn something new everyday from this man.

"Leave it to me to burn the earth down just for a joke." Bill about selling the company while Mary's on vacation

Apparently Roxanne really like the "blue jets" at Seafair.

I'm pretty sure Steve pulled out the last chunk of his hair today. Toni's going to need to buy him a  Donald wig.

Don't tell Katherine that I blamed her today for turning off my shredder.

Tim is still complaining about his blue balls spinning.

"I should be yelling at him then." Roger to Tim (about yelling at Bill)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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