Monday, July 31, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Katherine was the life of the party today. That little girl can get around now.

Steve provided the ribs for the party though. Thankfully his girls left some extra ribs in the car so he had to cook them all yesterday and share with us. 

We got a new water cooler on Friday and the dang hot water side doesn't work. Apparently we just can't have both sides working at once.

My husband talked me into doing an overnight hike on Friday night after work near Mt Rainier. We hiked into Dewey Lake and I wanted to hurry because I figured the camp sites would be crowded and we would have to hike another mile around the lake just to find a spot in the dark. Luckily when we got there we seemed to be the first people in. A few other groups came after us but we had a lovely spot next to the lake and we got to see a bunch of shooting stars and we saw no wildlife except for some birds.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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