Wednesday, August 16, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

If Stacy ever comes in again it's going to be Bill's fault for having a dream about him.

Bill thought that I was cussing and taking Typhinee's name in vain at my desk today but it was just at Toni which Bill understood.

According to Bill he's going to stand outside looking at the sun for hours on Monday. I'm going to bring a camp chair and a camp stove since we're all going to be roughing it outside. Hopefully somebody remembers to bring the food.

Seriously how do our guys make the break room counter look like they smeared poop on it? I'm just going to blame Steve.

Michael is gone until next week some time and I don't know where he's going. My main question is I want to know if he's going to see a better solar eclipse than us?

"I've lost my Steve." Bill    No need to panic Bill found him again.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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