Monday, August 28, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger and Dot both realized that Roger has too many opinions on patterns and colors while shopping at a Craft store. Roger's afraid that his heterosexual man card might be expiring. I'm pretty sure it expired the first time that he went to lunch with Toni. Obviously he forgot that they did not send him a renewal packet.

The Roomba ate one of Toni's papers on his floor this morning. It reminded me of the time that Crystal decided to vacuum her house with everything on the floor with Tim's vacuum, oh those were good times.

Tim wants some heels like mine, I think he likes the shiny gold.

Roger recommended "The Sopranos" to Bill. Bill has been watching the series and mentioned that anytime that the characters are in the strip club and the music starts that Katherine seems to start shaking her booty. I really hope that Bill has been saving money for her therapy.

Leave it to Joe to not keep a secret and to just fire someone which made Steve's life way easier.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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