Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger is so ready for me to go on vacation. He keeps asking when I'm leaving. I'm pretty sure he mumbled something about if you leave now I'll pay for your extended trip.

Michael says he went to Sequim for his extended weekend, likely story.

Steve would rather be considered an a$$hole than annoying.

Kellen went into Typhinee's office today to tell her that there was a Pepsi in the fridge and that it wasn't hers. I think Typhinee knows if the food in the fridge is hers because she would have put it there.

Toni was telling Steve that he's a screamer.

I'm pretty sure Kellen's girlfriend was at his place yesterday during the eclipse.....Maybe she likes being there when he's not.

I asked Typhinee if I could leave a note in the fridge telling Kellen that I need his pop can for my new pinterest projects.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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