Tuesday, August 29, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks he's early to the office just as long as her beats Michael in. Apparently Michael needs to step up his game so that Tim will put more hours in.

Steve claims he likes a good old fashioned nose punch every once in awhile. Everyone can get in line behind me.

Tim claims he's going fishing tomorrow and he won't be in but according to Michael's computer screen Tim buys all of his fish at Safeway so we're not supposed to believe Tim. 

"Are you wearing pants?" Toni to Bill

Roger needs some more business cards and I just don't think his title is flashy enough. He needs something like: Professional Carpet Petter & Wetter, The Real Mall Santa, Fanny Pack Zealot, Disco Dance Therapist, Freelance Sperm Donor, In-House Philosopher, Clown Porn Devotee, The Earthly Departed but Not Forgotten Florence Henderson Fan Club Manager, Cat Burglar or Say Yes to the Dress Expert & Enthusiast.

It's a good thing that I don't shop anywhere kinky or receive any of Bill's 50 Shades of Gray starter kits in the mail. Kellen came in and had to announce that I was receiving packages from JC Penney's.

According to Bill,  Randy reminds Mary that he's a rock star and names off the countless women that he could have married on a daily basis. Apparently Mary missed The Chatter with the picture of Randy from high school so here's a few more to make her jealous and yes apparently he could of had Yoko Ono and some other chick. 

For our weekend travels we got to enjoy a quiet trail at Mt Rainier this last weekend. We hiked over the White River and we were almost to the base of  the Emmons Glacier and along the way there was a beautiful glacier fed lake.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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