Friday, August 4, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

I hope Toni comes prepared with protective clothing for all of the hugs and gut punches from Steve on Monday.

Steve finally got his Traeger today. Bill and I have already bet that he gets it taken away during this burning ban though. He always seems to know how to piss off the right people.

Hopefully Mary and Toni have missed the European heat waves that they are calling Lucifer. Apparently Rome hit 109 degrees, it sounds like Italy and the Balkans have been the worst but I think Mary and Toni are going to Croatia (which is part of the Balkans). Or is that the part of the trip that Toni wasn't invited to?

Since Sarah is out of town today all of her male friends seem to be dropping by and leaving her little love notes and it's making Roger jealous.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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