Friday, August 18, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"Nikki laughs at most of my jokes, God bless her." Toni

Toni gave Katherine Riley's ball and then he told her it would taste like a cat's a$$ if she put it in her mouth. Toni is sure an a$$ expert on animals and fish his week.

Ryan asked me how I was going to knock off Roger. Ryan said he could totally see Roger doing the dress socks and dress shoes look in the near future.

Roger never seems to think that it's fair that little kids can cop a boob related feel but he can't get away with it in public. 

I just learned a very important tidbit from Roger. He says that if you buy light fixtures for your home that they need to acclimate in the box in the same room that they are going to be installed in for at least six months.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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