Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Roger is very upset that his grandson hasn't been born yet. He wanted a long weekend to celebrate.

I think Damon's already bored with retirement, he was down here bright and early to turn in his time card this morning.

Since Typhinee's not here today Roger called and asks me if he's told me how fond of me he is. Which is my cue to ask "what do you want?" and he proceeds to tell me that he's not really fond of me but then starts on his wish list.

Roger actually dug up some gossip this weekend. One of the people who Roger use to call part of the holy trinity at Newcastle got a new job.

Toni's weekend sucked, some girl told him that he looked like he was 37...

Roxanne is now sitting on her butt at home waiting for baby Katherine to arrive. She really should be at home baking me a cake but whatever. 

According to Bill, Toni's not masculine enough to pull off a Tom Selleck mustache.

Since I know all of you are dying to know about my weekend at Mt Hood, here's a few pictures from our hikes.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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