Friday, May 20, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Tim gave everyone a scare last night all because he couldn't remember his wife's phone number.

Toni's words of wisdom for the day "Everyone needs a job, I guess."

"Turns out I actually know Beverly Goldberg." Bill about Mary  He found out that she still tries to pick up her kids.

Somehow Bill missed "The Daily Chatter" with the child size Tesla in it because it was all new to him today.

Leave it to Bill, the guy who's about to have a precious baby girl in a few weeks, to tell me about a reality porn competition with one million dollars at stake and a chance to become a porn star which is every woman's dream. He better not tell Matt about this or he'll quit his job to become a contestant. Actually Marty is more likely to enter just for the free sex.

I think Roger is feeling fairly stable today, he told me that he doesn't want to kill himself at the moment. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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