Tuesday, July 21, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Today is National Junk Food Day and I didn't bring any junk food in. 

Cody found an empty container of bath salts and a roach in our dumpster.

Another day in the life of Roger, he was waiting for someone at their home this morning and the lady shows up late and drunk as a skunk so naturally he takes advantage of her.

 Mary said her computer has ghosts inside it.

Toni had a nasty piece of tile with mold on it that he set out by the dumpster yesterday to air out and somebody took it and he can't comprehend this, probably the guy on bathsalts.

After looking at the effects of Bath Salts, it sure sounds makes you question Roger and Loopy Larry. 
Now apparently Roxanne must think I'm pregnant too because she sent me a text said "I searched on pinterest for baby shower invites beach theme and this is what popped up."  She's going to be very disappointed when she throws me a baby shower.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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