Friday, July 17, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Roger thinks that he wasn't invited to Toni and Nikki's surprise engagement party that Toni and Nikki already know about because he's known to make scenes and his wife usually gets very drunk, she's usually worse than Matt.

"That guy is wearing pink freaking shoes." Tim about Toni

 Toni's family including his grandmother are all going camping this weekend so obviously we won't see them at the surprise engagement party.

I think I threw Toni off track, I told him I would see him tomorrow night in my wedding dress at the church at 9pm. His sister said she was going to wear her wedding dress (even though she's going camping) so I think the rest of us should too. 

Steve's youngest daughter should write "The Daily Chatter" from now on because I guess she posted one of her Mickey Mouse videos to Steve's FB account and wrote "gay hash" above it.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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