Thursday, July 16, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Roger wanted to make us all jealous, he said one of his customers was making Cashew Brittle with Balsamic Vinegar and Basil and gave him a big piece and he won't share it with any of us.

I'm pretty sure Mary met Joe for a nooner...

Roxanne blurted out idiotface to her director of finance because she thought he was calling her that and it turns out that he was listing off some long acronym.  It is possible that Roxanne has tourettes and made up the whole other story. I know there are somedays I wished I could use that excuse. 

Ryan and I thought it was ironic that Jeffrey Tambor was a special guest on "The Love Boat" (an episode we saw Saturday) when another special animal guest was a trained seal who jumped off the ship. We thought it was very foretelling. I can't recall if the seal was wearing a bow tie though.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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